Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.
Debra Riley | Artist/Gallery Manager
You never know what you are capable of unless you take the risk – trying new things, accepting new challenges, putting yourself “out there” even at the risk of failing is an important step to finding out how much you are capable of. Read more>>
Rachel Duane | Artist & Designer
I like to think of risk taking as enrichment. Spending time on exploring new materials, meeting new people/networking, even taking time to do things that don’t have anything to do with my craft, is never time wasted. There is a lot of pressure to do more or be something, and taking time to explore other avenues, people, places and things can pose risk or challenge, especially in terms of time. Sometimes, I purchase random materials to play with that I think are fun, also I never throw anything away, and may not use them right away, but investing and investigating are never a waste, but can be a risk. If we take the fear of failure out of risk, it is simply a journey, and there is always room for new and more information. Trial and error is also never a waste. Read more>>
Lorena Burch | Entrepreneur
I am a risk taking queen – which is hard for a lot of people to understand. When I have something in my mind and I see the end goal, I just start heading that direction by putting one foot in front of the other, one decision at a time, one step at a time. Most people are afraid of risks because they don’t want to fail or they don’t have an exact plan. I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow as a person. I’ve started two companies by taking risks, even when people around me didn’t necessarily support me, I know that if I don’t try, the regret would always remain with me. Read more>>
Elisha “Eli” Davis | Actress
Risk taking has opened a lot of doors for me. My advice for anyone looking to move up is to not be afraid to take risks: ask for things, be confident in your ability, have conversations with people, know what you’re
selling, make bold choices, and love what ever it is that sets you apart from everyone else. Market your brand. Surround yourself with other risk takers and pay attention to the company you have with you on your journey. Educate yourself, learn something. Know when to speak and when to listen, clap for other people too. Write your goals down and make them plain. Build a strong team around you and invest in yourself. Read more>>