Dialogues, lyrics, quotes & affirmations

Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation? Please share with us below.
“Nobody knows what they’re doing but they’re doing it anyway” – unknown Read more>>
One of my favorite affirmations is one that my mother taught me, “never be afraid of men’s faces”
It means that I receive my directions by GOD NOT Man…
And a part of GOD’S daily directions before I leave my home is to… Read more>>
Everyday I wake up I speak these words of life over myself that I learned from my childhood pastor, Dr. Ed Montgomery. He would always lead his sermons with these words of affirmations; “I am prosperous, I am healed, I am sound of mind, I am stable in my emotions, I’m becoming all I can possibly be. Today will change me, and a changed me will change my world. I will never be the same, I am STRONGER!”. This stuck with me throughout my life, and taught me that life is literally what you make it. Words are powerful, & your perception becomes your reality. Read more>>