How did you come up with the idea for your business?

Our community is comprised of some absolutely brilliant entrepreneurs and so we asked a few of them to tell us the story of how they came up with the ideas for their business.
Well the LVI is Roman numeral for the number “56”. That was my football number and has been my favorite number. It represents faith, It represents hard work, being vulnerable, stretching yourself creatively, educationally, emotionally, and mentally. I want the stories we develop and people see to challenge issues, norms, and ask that question “WHY?” Read more>>
I came up with the idea for starting my business by looking in the mirror. Honestly, I didn’t like what was starring back at me. I had be come an extremely overweight, chronically ill individual and I was determined to do something about it. So, I formulated my own weight-loss plan of diet and exercise and began to execute. I didn’t stop there though! I knew there were other people out there who were just like me and that needed help and encouragement and from an epiphany and desire to help others Fitaholix was born! Read more>>
My love for baking grew around 2009. For about 3 years, my husband and I took over and ran my mother-in-law’s Bed and Breakfast. During this time, I discovered how much I loved coming up with different baked goods to serve. I enjoyed watching people’s face light up after trying one of my delicious sweets. For years I tested different recipes on family and friends and came up with some of my favorites. After lots of planning and creating, I was ready to expand my love for baking into a business. 2020 I launched B8K treats Home Bakery. Read more>>
Starting around the year of 2008 teaching and assisting some summer time art classes for kids then in 2016 painting classes, mostly for adults, the inspiration and my passion for doing art recharged. The words from my dad “you’re an artist” began to play over and over in the back of my head. Then the encouraging words from those who would return to my classes, colleagues who also provided me advice, later would mentor me, gave me the confidence to pursue my passion as an artist and also to share and give back by now offering private art classes at MyArtToolBox. Read more>>