By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.
aimee danchise | Founder of Inklings Baby Toys
To me, everything is all about integration. I integrate my personal and work lives together. Prior to launching our business, I worked in corporate fashion. And I worked a lot of long hours which I was proud of. Work hard, play hard. But then life takes its turns and you find yourself wanting a family, or burnt out or wondering what is the point of it all. Read more>>
Laura Ferreyra | Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Achieving a healthy work life balance can be extremely difficult. When I started graduate school to become an Occupational Therapist I was also working three different jobs. Being in school was rewarding but also very challenging. Finding ways to balance the demands of academic studies and work while staying true to my own needs is what helped me to succeed during my graduate studies. After graduating and becoming an Occupational Therapist I wanted to invest all my time in my career growth. Read more>>
Alexandra Forrest | Realtor, Wife, & Mom
My work life balance has changed tremendously over time with my family growing and children getting older. It is so hard as a mom to find that healthy balance. You’re being pulled in so many directions, wanting to be the perfect employee, boss, or business owner. While also wanting to be there for your kids and partner, participating in their activities, spending time together after school, eating dinner as a family, giving everyone your undivided attention. Read more>>