Every overnight success we’ve seen has been years in the making. And those overnight successes are rarely because of an amazing idea or a stroke of luck. We asked some of our favorite folks from the community about what characteristics are at the heart of their success story?

Alexia | Blogger & Youtuber

I believe being yourself and staying truly humble. I also realized I am very different from other bloggers and other people that are creators out there and I’ve always kind of always been me. Read more>>

Candice Lundy | CEO of All is Well Family

The most important factor behind my success is my 6 kids Read more>>

Khloe Joiner | Philanthropist

The most important factor behind my success is determination. Read more>>

Tiera Hickson | Lifestyle Content Creator

I owe the success of my brand to God, He is the most important factor. The moment that I moved self out of the way, asked God to purify my plan for my life, and confirm, deny, or redirect my path; everything changed for the better. A vision was revealed to me that held a much greater purpose than I could have ever imagined. He helped me develop a very important characteristic that has helped thousands of people: transparency. Read more>>

John Barajas | Cheerleading choreographer & Business Owner

The most important factor behind my success has been customer service. We live in a time where a bad review or experience can instantly impact growth and the reputation of how far you’ll make it in any given industry. Read more>>

Cj Mathews | Artist/Producer

I would say consistency. What I had to learn that no matter what you are going through you have to stay consistent. As soon as you take a brake, another brand can get ahead in this marathon. Read more>>

Dr. Omair Shamim | Dentist & Photographer

My medical college played an important role to bring my brand to this point. My medical college held a winter festival in which I participated with my stall of ‘Photobooth’, and my stall placed first in collecting the most coupons because everyone like my photography so much. Read more>>

Sarah Springer | Business owner – Insurance Broker

The most important factors behind my success are my overall responsiveness, customer service, and adding value. 90% of the referral partners I work with are realtors, so being able to help them understand the basics of insurance and how to advise their clients is important. Read more>>

Takiya Arevalo | Christian Online Influencer

I would honestly credit it all to God. I never imagined growing my online influence to over 80 thousand on TikTok in 2 months however God saw BIGGER. I encourage you to think bigger because He will always outdo your expectations. Read more>>

Ryeshia Brockington | Honey Tea Stirrer Specialist

The most important factor behind my success and the success of my brand is definitely having a solid support system. The individuals in my support system offer their strengths, with no hesitation, to help my brand grow. Without them I know I wouldn’t be as far as I am today! Read more>>