We had the good fortune of connecting with 93Teej and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi 93Teej, any advice for those thinking about whether to keep going or to give up?
Life is a rollercoaster; you have your ups and downs. I’ve been in situations that have made me want to quit, but I’m lucky to be surrounded by the people who I deal with because they have goals to accomplish, too. It can get really tough at times, especially when you don’t know, and you just have to operate off of faith. I’ve been able to go across the country and see different things and meet new people. Being able to use my craft to help others get to where they want to be is always a plus too. With so much working for me compared to what’s working against me, why would I stop?

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I’m a music producer, first. I’ve always had an ear for music. I grew up on hip-hop/rap and it’s also played a major part in my life. As a kid, I grew up playing the snare drums, trumpet and cello. I gave sports a try before, but I was a hothead. Music was just a better way for me to channel my thoughts and keeping me out of trouble. As I got older, I got into writing lyrics and creating songs. I also learned how to make beats when I heard of FL Studio. When I started putting the pieces together, I started looking and listening the older artists and producers when they would do interviews and try to follow their advice. I started investing into myself and what I wanted to be. I’ve paid for some of it, but I’ve also got paid as well. From there, I started selling beats and recording my own songs and I’m constantly working on my craft as well as growing. It’s definitely not an easy road. There are times when life is life-ing; people are going to be in and out of your life, bills are going to be due, and the world keeps going. Tomorrow will come and you have to be ready for it–, but fast-forward to now, I’m glad to say that I have projects in the works, and one is 98% completed. I’m also working with some of the companies and groups I shouted out earlier, and I’ve created a brand that I could stamp on my own work, Octane Baby Entertainment, and I plan on building an empire. I’m focused on music now, because I have a list of things to complete, but I will be venturing out to other industries in the future.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I don’t know about a full week in Memphis, but there are some nice food spots to check out in the city. A Memphis Tigers or Grizzlies game a would be fun also. They’d probably have to tag along with me when I’m working as well (studio session, photoshoot, etc.) We’d go see some mutual friends to so we can all hang out and get some drinks or party. It’ll be a fun time.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I have to shoutout my family. Definitely shout out to my manager Derrik Lawson. I want to shoutout my production/media team Da Guardianz (Stash Money Baby, Mix-R, CTondaBeat). I also want to shoutout Ero Gang Records and Prolyfic (PBC).

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/93teej/

Other: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/93teej/1559804734

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