Meet Christon Blake | Skincare & Health

We had the good fortune of connecting with Christon Blake and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Christon, what inspires you?
I’m definitely inspired by the community I grew up in..I grew up in what you would call a drug infested and a high crime area…I wanted to a positive image for people who grew up like me and feel like crime is the only choice they have…I want to show them it’s many things you can do to be successful besides that…
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
My Business is Ancestorshands and I specialize in giving you great skincare products without the harmful chemicals you find in stores….
I’m excited about the journey of owning my own business…It definitely has it’s challenges but I love every second of it….
Honestly I got to where I am today by believing in my dream and not letting anybody deter me from what I’m trying to accomplish….
It’s definitely not easy and it will challenge you in every way and it’s definitely days you want to quick but you have to trust the process…I learn nothing is easy and the harder it gets the more harder of a fighter to have to be in life…
I want the world to know that I don’t want nothing given to me…I want to create my own success and do it my own way…
I want the world to know when you purchase from Ancestorshands you’re getting a product that is helpful to your skin and health…And it’s also made with love and the ancestors in mind as well..
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Honestly we would go eat at BB’s Cajun Restaurant…This place has some of the best Cajun mixed Texas food you will find…
For the best drinks we’re going to “Daiquiri Island To Go” they have some of the best daiquiris and believe me it’s worth your buck…
And to hang out we’re definitely going to the Atomic Bottle…This place has a great atmosphere with great music,food,and drinks as well….
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to shoutout my Uncle Charles aka Uncle Jr…He was a father to me when I never had one present in my life…He taught me great life lessons and taught me all about hard work….He’s no longer here but I take all the lessons and use them in life…
Instagram: Ancestorshands
Twitter: @AncestorsHands
Facebook: Ancestorshands
Youtube: Christon Blake
Other: Tik Tok @AncestorsHands