We had the good fortune of connecting with Lucie Zhuxi Wang and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Lucie Zhuxi, why did you pursue a creative career?
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I feel empowered when my bi-cultural mindset and approach are appreciated, acknowledged, and at times, adopted; I believe the multi-dimensional knowledge I carry allows me to bring different mindset and narratives together in my cello perform and teaching. I have the potential to understand the world broadly and empathically. My next steps are to share my cello performing and teaching to improve the classical music education and help the talent people from social vulnerable groups. In considering how I may be a voice for inclusion and diversity, I look for my won sources of strength and courage; in that spirit, I hope my narrative here serves as an acknowledgment of my mother, the begetter of it all.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
2020 is an unpredictable special year. I suggest people to getting closer to the nature and sports. I always go memorial park for running and get fresh air. If my friends come visit me under a more safety period, I will also bring them to the nature parks and art museums in Houston.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There are three mentors has large influenced on me. Firstly, they are prestigious European cello artists Mr. Philippe Muller and Mr. Gary Hoffman. I feel empowered and fulfillment every time after I took cello lessons and master classes with them. Music path is not always paved by fragrance flowers, our talent is god given and we shouldn’t take credit from it. We should keep the fidelity and innocent for classical music and for our professionality. How to use the talent is from our decision and we should be responsibility for the consequence. The third teacher in my mind is Mr. John Pagano from Barnard College of Columbia University. In my bachelor and master years, his humanity classes enriched my multiple dimensions views in western art. Also, his teaching philosophy inspired me a lot for my cello teaching. These mentors always give me helpful advises even during my D.M.A. studies (Doctor of Musical Arts in Cello Performance). Usually, it takes at least 4 years to complete. because my hard working, cleverness, and their supports. In 2019, I completed D.M.A. within the 2 years and half from University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Same year, based on my cello performance honors and achievements, I became a U.S. Permanent Resident of Extraordinary Ability Category. (EB1A).
Website: www.zhuxiwang.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Luciezwang
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFnOV6b-BA2u_QbvYiDcrkg/about
Other: https://soundcloud.com/zhuxi-wang