We had the good fortune of connecting with Molly Harrah and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Molly, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
My thought process behind starting Unicorn Magic Organizing was to bring more hope into peoples’ lives. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and to bring out what I have been thinking for years on what the world needs. Throughout life I have noticed there’s lack of hope in the world meaning symbols of it. I’ve noticed many people live lives where they do not want to live that particular life but feel they can’t get out of it. My service can help others believe in themselves and see they can live out their goals, dreams, and passions.

I started this company because I wanted to help others on a bigger scale. I want this service idea out to the world so others can see the massive change within themselves. What I do is I help clients figure out what their personal goals are and I align their house with their goals. I use my psychology, personality analysis, Education degree, growth mindset and cleaning skills.

How this began was when I didn’t get my dream job. I thought it was my dream job. I realized after I did not. It wasn’t my dream it was my mom’s dream. I was depressed for a while because I really thought it was mine. All I got from the experience was shame and disappointment.

I worked for years trying to get this job. I was one of the top students in college and got a scholarship. I got accepted into the masters program all paid for and graduate in one year. I got a Bachelors degree because I thought that was the only way to be a teacher. For some reason I could not bring myself to get a masters degree. I was mad at myself for working so hard to only lose motivation to get it. I could not bring myself to do it. I realized I want to be a teacher but maybe in a different way.

I was lost for some time in my life. I ended up gravitating to side hustles. I did delivery apps. I told myself I will be on here and figure out my life. I did this when Covid hit 2020 but there were times the delivery apps wasn’t cutting it for the bills. So I had to venture out. I did multiple other side hustles and came across task rabbit.

This application let me do multiple random jobs. The main jobs I was gravitating towards was organizing and cleaning. I did these jobs with no experience. I got nothing but good reviews. I didn’t know I had a talent in it. I kept doing these jobs.

I got to know my clients well. They would talk to me about their life as I would do the jobs. I would listen to them and not think too much of it. Then there was one night I had an epiphany. These clients were telling me their goals, dreams and passions. Multiple of my clients were lost in life and lost purpose in life. Several of them were overwhelmed, depressed, angry, didn’t believe in themselves, and etc… I thought hmm… what if I could do something. That’s when I came up with my idea.

I used the personality quiz I was given in college. This certain personality quiz helped me figure out myself more. I used this personality quiz on my client in my head. This helped me figure out more how their brain functions and why they do what they do. Then I used all the psychology facts I know that I looked up throughout my life to apply it into peoples’ homes. I then used my growth mindset knowledge from college and my Education degree into the organizing, cleaning jobs.

I went into peoples’ homes and started doing what I planned. Before they even knew it they were doing their goals. They didn’t noticed it till after they did it. They would look at me and say “wow I really did that”. I realized I have a talent on sensing peoples’ desires and helping them get there. I can do this with no words but actions.

You’re wondering how

I know that habits is all in the mind. An organizer’s job is to figure out peoples’ habits. I have high analytical skills so I would go in the place and figure out their habits. I can figure out why they did what they did by simply looking at the placement of items, inventories in my head, and how they take care of themselves. I am intentional where I put things and that’s when I change their habits. My goal is to create a system for my client that they can keep up with. I am creating habit autonomy for them so they can see themselves in the light I see them.

Why do I do cleaning?

I am giving people a fresh new start in life. When an environment is clean people feel accomplished and feel they can start over in life. I have noticed this in people. They start to want to get things done.

Why does organizing and cleaning give people the new start?

To give people the new beginning is a personalized clean (special checklists of requests on how clean is done) and personalizing organizing with psychology. I have realized it’s not all about a fast and cheap clean. Clients need more than that if they want to start over. It requires a clean that is thoughtful, organizing that’s intentional and personality factored in.

When clients get a fast clean and an organizing job that is unintentional then the client is still at square one of where they began. The entire reason they wanted that service done deep down was because they want a new start in life and to feel heard. At the end of the day we humans want to feel heard, appreciated and fulfilled. To get there it is to do personal goals, dreams and passions in life. The inner voice that we hear deep down but don’t feel we can because of our old beliefs.

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Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Unicorn Magic Organizing is all about giving clients a new fresh start in life. The slogan is add a sparkle in your unique life. Why? Because when we think of organizing and cleaning you think of a sparkly environment. I understand peoples’ lives are different. I cater to everyone’s life and their thought processes.

The mascot is a unicorn named Pastel. She is a stuff animal I got when I moved out. She gave me the inspiration for this company idea. Unicorns possess magic within them. Sometimes we humans forget the magic we have in us and my company releases peoples’ magic. I give people the purpose they once lost in life.

I bring her to all my vending events because she is a sign of hope. I want people to see the magic within themselves. She reminds us when we were a child and how we saw ourselves. I hide her in my before and after photos in my Instagram page. I made a background story about her. One of the symbols is dandelions. When we were kids we wish for things. That’s a sign of hope. I bring the dandelion with me to all the events.

What makes the organizing different from others?

I offer standard organizing and personalizing organizing with psychology.

Standard organizing is what most organizers are doing. They are making things easy access, color coordinated, labels, aesthetically pleasing, sorting, matching etc… Many people that have hired people before me are doing this. When I look at the job it is like that. Then it gets messed up because the organizer did not consider how the client’s brain thinks and their habits on a deeper level. Usually what happens is in a short time the client hires them again and again. Still the client did not get what they desired. They want a system that works for them and how they think. They want their habits to be considered so their life is easier.

Personalizing Organizing with Psychology

That’s why when I come in I make a system for them. I consider personality, psychology (deeper understanding of habits), and their personal goals.

How do I do this?

Inventories in my head (figure out likes and dislikes)
Why their habits are this way
Listen to my clients
What do they really want out of this
Intentional placement of objects

The types of methods I use are

Using the 5 senses
Increase heartrate on certain organizing jobs
Mirroring method
Personality analysis
Analytical skills

What makes the cleans different?

Types of cleans-basic, regular, premium, move in, move out, commercial

I do specialized checklists. Each client gets a specialized checklist to ensure clean is done the way client wants. There’s sometimes requests that’s added such as getting out everything in the closet or they’ll ask for me to use a different product because they prefer it.

I do a welcome letter and a goodbye letter. This ensures that each clean is documented. It ensures accountability of which employee did what and what got done exactly. Also, it ensures that client got the clean done. The client feels heard and will want to come back.

I have myself and future employees to do reflections and workshops to improve their skills. I have a growth mindset mentality so I want them to want to be there and grow. It is vital that the clients, myself and future employees want to be there to make an impact. Without growth mindset then eventually the growth of this idea will fizz out.

I know when it comes to professional cleaning companies there’s high turnover that’s why I am big about growth mindset and taking care of employees

When it comes to taking care of employees many do not care. I believe in before any job I want my employee to go out and eat with me. I want them fed because I know these types of jobs are intense. We would discuss about the plan for the clean and/or organizing job. We would discuss if there’s any special requests and what to improve. I want my employees and clients to feel heard.

How did I get here?

I got here because I believe in myself now. I told myself when I was a young child I’ve always wanted to solve world problems. It’s always something I wanted but felt wasn’t possible. I was told certain old beliefs about myself and I believed them. Once I realized that was unconscious me and my behaviors I put a stop to it. I have learned we don’t have to live with our old beliefs of ourselves we can be in our new beliefs at any moment. It’s really up to us to see the light.

I started doing all of this as a side hustle. I got scared of the power I had because I was making a lot more than I did when I was teaching. My old beliefs were coming in. Then I decided to move. I didn’t know me moving 8 hours away from my home town would land me back into doing organizing and cleaning again.

I met someone that did professional cleaning and was thinking of expanding into organizing. I met them at the dog park unexpectedly and I needed a job immediately because I was in a new town. The app was not available. I worked there for a bit. I quit because I was not treated right. Then a previous employee told me she knew a company I could work for that’s cleaning. I said yes and worked there for a bit. Things happened and I didn’t want to be there anymore. Then I was given a side hustle to do more cleaning jobs. I got frustrated being in a new town and trying to make it. I kept trying and trying. I got stressed out and decided to move back into my home town. On my way back I unexpectedly got multiple calls and texts of people wanting me. I realized it wasn’t about lack of abundance or being in a new town it really was about my old beliefs.

I realized there’s a reason why I have gravitated towards organizing and cleaning jobs. I am supposed to do something in that field. I am supposed to be an entrepreneur and do what I always wanted to do as a kid. The only thing that stopped me was myself.

The reason why I went to Midland was because I was running away from the vary thing I was supposed to do. Then in Midland it caught up to me. I got scared of what power I had inside me. My old beliefs were coming out when I didn’t know.

I came back into my home town and I went back to my old 9-5 job. I was happy because I was comfortable. Then things happened and I quit. I was lost again on what to do.

Then what catapulted me to realize my behaviors was when my husband let his childhood friend into our place. He knew her for 20 years and went through a rough divorce. She was going to be homeless. She ended up loving it here and she was doing everything to stay. She tried to get pregnant so we would feel obligated for her to stay, make excuses to go to work, stain bathtub thinking I would clean it, never clean up, eat ice cream all day, ate all the food, and then take my card emptying my account.

I got furious and kicked her out. She left a huge mess for me to clean up. I had to start over financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically after this. I knew I could not go on the delivery apps all the time because eventually car will give out. I thought about going back on task rabbit but I thought to myself everything I have done is not working. I need to change things. That’s when I listened to my inner voice and it said I have nothing to lose anymore you might as well try to solve the world issues you saw as a child. So I did. Ever since then I have been being intentional on my personal brand by giving hints on my next entrepreneur endeavor.

While I am doing that. I am doing my business. My business focuses on internal affairs and my second business does but in a different way. My first business requires me to make connections. Once I get the connections then I can do my second business idea. I want to do as much as I can solve world problems. I find this exciting, rewarding and entertaining more than any other job I’ve had.

It was not easy to get where I am today but I know all these things was meant to happen. I know everything in life is a lesson. I want to share my experiences by my personal brand and share my thoughts and ideas to the world by my businesses I created so there’s a better future.

I want the world to know that organizing and cleaning is supposed to be done the way I am doing it. I want more people to be fulfilled in life. I want employees to be treated well. I want there to be a better future out there. I want to bring as much hope that I can in the world because I have felt for a long time that’s what people need.

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Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If my friend came back into town I would have us do a fancy picnic. I’ve always wanted to try that. I also want to have a garden one day. So I would want us to pick easy plants to take care of. I used to think I’m a plant killer and I want to kill this old belief I am one. I know I have to start small to get rid of the old beliefs of myself. So I want to start with easy plants so if I can take care of these then I am ready for a big garden.

I want to look at bunnies. I have always thought bunnies are cute and want love. I am a bit scared of animals but I want to look at them because they seem so sweet. I’ve always felt inside I have a personality of a bunny. Then after wards I want to have a nice outside dinner watching the sunset. I have realized life is about happiness now. So a happy life is a slowed down life and enjoying the simple things. I was taught life is about suffering but now as an adult I want to live a happy life not an unhappy one.

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Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I want to give a shoutout to my husband for encouraging me to do this. He has never unwavered to support me in my entrepreneur endeavors. He’s told me all the time how smart I am. He has been with me giving me feedback I need all the time.

I want to thank all the previous clients I had when I was doing this as a side hustle. They gave me courage and saw something in me that I did not. They told me I could be on my own completely and I have so much more to give. They told me I am very talented in what I do and I can go far. They encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and make this company idea.

I want to thank the strangers I have come across in my life. Multiple strangers have told me I am gonna be someone one day. I didn’t believe them for years. I was told this at a young age and I wouldn’t believe it. As I gotten older as an adult I did not see it till more recently. But countless times in my life strangers told me I am someone. Many told me they believed in me and told me I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it.

When I was at my low point and doing the sales work doing door to door work. I kept getting nos but many answers I got from people were “you are gonna be someone. I know it. Keep trying.” The compliments from strangers have helped me keep going. I’ve struggled my first year getting rid of my old beliefs. I have been pushing through it and still doing my sales work. Strangers kept telling me “keep going you will be someone.”

Website: Working on it

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unicornmagicorganizing?igsh=MXVzdzMwcGJscjkzZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083283275236&mibextid=LQQJ4d

Youtube: Working on it

Other: Personal brand

Tik tok: mollyharrah

YouTube: mollyharrah

Fb: mollyharrah

Business: Unicorn Magic Organizing

Website: being worked on (papers about more on how I can solve peoples’ problems by personalizing organizing with psychology is in the works)/more videos/services


Fb: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083283275236&mibextid=LQQJ4d

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Image Credits
These images are mine.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutHTX is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.