“If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything”

We asked the community to tell us about the values and principles that guide their lives and businesses.

Jeffery Huynh | Realtor with Compass Memorial

Coming into this career my number one goal or principal is education. When my husband and I first bought our home 8 years ago we didn’t know anything. We had a Realtor but I guess since our home was a new build she kind of just let it go on auto pilot. She didn’t go to any of the inspections or explain where we were at any point in the process. It was just us and the builders. We even ended up going to our closing by ourselves. It was very scary for 2 people who had no idea what were were doing and it really stuck with me. Read more>>

Courtlin Parisher | Actor & Content Curator

A motto that I always remind myself when evaluating what direction to take my life is “follow the tug”. There is never any “right” step to take, and there are endless possibilities in which your life can play out which can be overwhelming at times. But I feel like we all have an Internal GPS manifesting as that gut feeling, and whenever we feel that tug we should follow it, no matter what risks entail or what consequences may ensue. This is how I’ve been able to live some of the most amazing experiences–not thinking too hard, just following that tug. Read more>>

Taiese L. Nevels | Author, Speaker & MBA

To be transparent, I do not have a single principle that matters to me but three. Beginning with your mindset determines how successful your future will be. Therefore I write to: 1. Teach 2. Inspire 3. Empower The book projects under my authorship individually or in partnership fit the principles. My why is simple – you experience to learn to gain wisdom, knowledge, and power. Read more>>