What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
Nikita Sachdev | Founder and CEO of Luna Media Corporation
I personally believe in never giving up. If you want something, you have to get it, but it’s never easy. When we first started Luna PR, we gave it 18 hours a day, seven days a week. Although there were moments when I wanted to give up, looking back, I’m so glad I didn’t. When I first started, I felt drowned out by the problems life threw at me, so I used them as fuel and really pushed myself, knowing I was working to change my future. Read more>>
Shawn Cashmere | Chef, Serial entrepreneur
I haven’t given myself any choices when it comes to deciding whether I should give up or keep going. Quitting is not an option . I wasn’t built to give up and as long as I still love what I do and I’m making a difference, that’s all I need. Read more>>
Maribel Perez | Licensed Esthetician
I think you should never give up. If it’s something you truly want, when there’s a will there’s a way. Read more>>