We asked successful entrepreneurs and creatives to tell us about whether they have a budget and how they think about spending decisions and have shared some of their responses below.

Chris Matthews a.k.a. “Lethal Shooter” | NBA Shooting Coach and Basketball Entrepreneur

I absolutely have a budget. When I first started making money to the point where I wasn’t living paycheck to paycheck, I didn’t really have a budget yet. I grew up in a way that we never had “extra money” or thought about budgeting and saving…we were just trying to pay the bills. As my business started to grow, my manager helped me find a real accountant and financial advisor. This was a game changer because they have collectively helped me budget both for my business and my personal expenses. With their help, I was able to purchase my first home recently. I really try to make decisions around spending and lifestyle based on the budget we set. I have kids and a family, so spending money on material things isn’t really that important to us. I’m more focused on things like my 401k, saving for my kids, and the long-term plan. Read more>>

Demarcus Blake | Father & Entrepreneur

Budget?! Yes, I am the king of budget. Honestly my background in sales has taught me a lot about budgeting not only in my personal finances but also business. I worked in the financial industry services for several years where I taught people about financial literacy, including having monthly financial strategies. I used that knowledge and principles in my own personal finances which created discipline. Once I’m able to be disciplined with the fundamentals it leaves room for me to spend how I’d like. Read more>>

Erika Natalie | Multidisciplinary artist with hopes to expand consciousness through words and activism.

It’s pretty clear that budgeting is necessary in order to build your empire to the level of success you’d like it to be. At one point in our career, we really have to examine our relationships with money. A helpful concept to think about is comparing budgeting to self-discipline. Having this comparison in mind has made me become aware of the every-day essential practices when it comes to budgeting, productivity, and consistency. It took awareness for me to take the steps necessary for my visions to no longer exist solely in my head, but finally have them become my physical reality. Read more>>