Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.

Rose Campbel | Texas Earth Director & Publicist

Everything is a risk! You never know if something is going to fail. But why not try? The worse that could happen is your fail, learn from your mistakes, and grow. I have taken risks and some have failed. But I did learn and I grew stronger and tried again. Now I’m 27 with five kids, 4 very successful businesses. Voted one of the top Publicists and State Pageant Directors in the United States! Read more>>

Jessica Pierce | Bioethicist and writer

One of my daily mantras is “Do one thing that scares you.” I take this broadly to include things that make me uncomfortable (presenting my ideas to a group of highly respected peers) and things that elicit a fear of failure or rejection (reaching out to an editor to pitch an idea). I usually wind up doing several things that scare me, but I allow myself to take the rest of the day off after doing one scary thing–and that makes it feel manageable. Read more>>

Willow Paule | Content Creator

My life wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting if I hadn’t taken risks. I never related to the idea of fearlessness, though, because every time I make a big decision, I get incredibly scared. But then, I work past the fear. In high school, when I couldn’t go to the country I was planning to as an exchange student, I decided to accept a last-minute opportunity to go to Thailand instead. I didn’t know the language at all, but I learned it. Read more>>

Chris Allison | Real Estate Photographer

Being a risk-taker is definitely not something that comes naturally to me. I had the dream of starting a business for a really long time before I finally worked up the courage to take the plunge. For most of my life, I took the safer routes and feared the unknown, but over the last few years, I have pushed myself to grow and see what I’m truly capable of. I would love to take full credit and have everyone believe I am just a really courageous person, but I honestly could not have taken on this journey without the love and support of my friends and family. Read more>>