We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Darrell Goldman | Country Artist

Treating people with respect is not necessarily something I learned through business but simply a guiding principle I’ve always tried to embrace in working and engaging with others. Read more>>

Ryan Shaw | Artist

The most important lesson I have learned in running my own business and pursuing a career in art, is that failure is the only pathway to success. We learn from failure not success. Art is perhaps one of the toughest pathways to a successful career, especially if you want to make it on your own. Since I started my journey in art back in 2009, I have learned so much since then, and there were many failures along the way. There were some times where I was ready to give it all up, even as recently as 2017. With each failure and obstacle that came my way, I stuck with it (with the support of my amazing wife, family, and close friends) and now have consistent work coming in. I am not complacent though. I know there is always room for growth and I never stop learning. Read more>>

Keisha Johnson, PhD | Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Naturopathic Reiki Master

Wow, what a great question! I believe that the most important lesson that I have learned to date is to “be authentic”. When you are authentic or “true to yourself” your business/career should align with your purpose. Your purpose allows you to attract who and/or what you need to be successful in your chosen field. Being authentic allows a reciprocal harmonious relationship between you and the Universe to form in terms of “I will live out my life on purpose and give you (the Universe) what you need and you (the Universe) will return to me what I need to continue to feel “purposeful”. There have been times when I fell short of this principle and I noticed that my business did not flourish consistently. I used to worry about why my business was not “cooperating” despite all of the effort I was putting into it. Read more>>