We had the good fortune of connecting with Chris Holmes and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Chris , how do you think about risk?
I feel like risk-taking is a part of my everyday life and career. You can’t really get the things you want out of life by playing it safe. It’s all about getting outside of your comfort zone. When you get out of your comfort zone that is when you grow the most. That is also the time when you find out more about yourself, what you are willing to take, and how you can use innovation and creativity to get out of things. So I think taking the risk is a part of your growth and is necessary for you to accomplish your goals. Everything that you want in life is beyond fear so throughout my life and career it has been a constant challenge of facing fear head on to keep moving forward.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Well, my backstory is a person who grew up in a college town that is surrounded by prisons. So I had a very innovative mind that wants something more beyond the prison walls. In my area, a lot of people just graduate high school and just go straight to work for the prison. I wanted to do something different and that is where my drive came. I got into media production by accident by helping out a good close friend when he bought his first camera. I did not have the funds to purchase an expensive camera. By helping him take cool photos for his profile picture to grab attention. I discovered I had a camera eye. I did not have the money, but I went to Walmart and got the best camera I could afford and took advantage of free software. That was the beginning of me getting into production. And I continue to thrive throughout my college career and now. While doing this I will say I faced a lot of challenges. It is not always easy but the rewards are well worth it. I learned a lot of different things about myself and about other people. I would never take back the experiences I had because that is what makes me who I am today. The lessons that I learned along the way are to trust yourself, have faith, never give up, and always surround yourself with positive energy. I believe that my life and journey is going to be the story of overcoming adversity and thriving to reach your dreams. I want to be that storybook story to inspire others that they can obtain anything they want if they put the work in and have the faith. I think with me having a background of growing up in a prison town to success. Will inspire people around the globe. If there is one thing that I am super proud of is throughout this journey I learned who I am and what I can do to contribute back into the community while being myself.

Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
There is so much to do in Houston that it is hard to name just a few spots. But I will say Buffalo Bayou Park is a good way to start. A huge park with a lot of different space and things going on. Of course, you have different food locations downtown and events to be hosting all the time. Especially at the center of the George R. Brown Convention area, they host a lot of big events. Depending on what day it is I will say either football games or basketball games to watch professionals play. Along with that, you have concerts and the art district. So, there’s so much to do depending on the time.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
If I could shout out anyone it would definitely be my mother she is the one who raised me. Along with that I have multiple organizations that I am part of from The Rotary Club and being involved with different mentorship programs. One mentor by the name of Antonio T. Smith, Jr. has to help me a lot especially in business and becoming a better person. Of course, I have to give a big thanks to my grandparents who provided me a lot of wisdom. Sometimes they call me an old soul because that’s where I get a lot of my knowledge from at an early age. Additionally, I learn from a lot of different podcasts and books this can range from people such as Gary V, Daymond John, Les Brown, Eric Thomas, T.D. Jakes and more. At the end of the day, I am all about improving myself every day and having a positive inner circle of influence.

Website: https://www.yourvoiceissoulproductions.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cholmes__/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cholmes09/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHolmes_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulproductions1
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/chris20910/
Other: Tumblr: https://cholmes37.tumblr.com/

Image Credits
Jasmin Perla