We had the good fortune of connecting with Meg Kuhar and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Meg, have there been any changes in how you think about work-life balance?
In the beginning stages of my business, I was working mostly at night after my son (who was an infant at the time) would go to bed. This meant I was often recording podcasts, editing, writing blog posts, or scheduling social media instead of just resting or hanging out with my husband. As a new mom, that was extremely challenging and exhausting. I didn’t have balance then because I was so focused on being successful, on people noticing me, on “breaking through.”

Long story short: it didn’t work.

I built an audience but it wasn’t like it had to be done with that much content all of the time. I did way more than I needed to. And I barely made it through that time.

Now, I have two kids, and my work life balanced has changed. I have help during the day to work on my business and my part-time job as a digital content manager. I don’t work on Fridays, and I rarely have to work past 4:00pm.

It changed because it had to. One, because I realized that being successful does not mean more to me than being happy and present in my life. Two, because that lifestyle burned me out. I ended up hating everything I was doing and had to hit the reset button several times.

My main focus now is rest, happiness, and my subconscious health. While I work, I ask myself, “Are you doing this to prove something? Are you doing this because you feel like you have to?” Then I can dive deeper into the answers I come up with, often realizing that deep down, I feel unworthy if I don’t complete my task list. As if my task list makes me whole.

Worthiness and wholeness is inherent; you already are both worthy and whole, right now. If you approach your work with passion, joy, and a spirit of connection, growth, meaning, and purpose–you’ll find that you can do a whole lot more with a whole lot less. When comparing yourself to others flies out the window, suddenly things become a lot clearer and simpler.

What should our readers know about your business?
For ten years I’ve been a professor of entrepreneurship, technology, and marketing for musicians and creatives. Over that time, as I was so enthusiastic about sharing my message online and talking about what I love to do, I realized that that was not the case for others.

Artists, musicians, and creatives are often stuck when it comes to promotion. It feels spammy, narcissistic, or overwhelming to them. So I started my coaching business to help them promote with purpose.

My focus is to help my clients learn to market so honestly, it’ll change their business and their life. I’m a one-of-a-kind marketing coach who brings inner transformation & confidence to her clients. I see marketing as a journey to self-discovery, because there’s nothing else like having to promote your personal brand to force you to dive deeper into your mindset. It opens up a whole new understanding of Self, and all of the parts, thoughts, beliefs, and decisions within it.

I’m an experienced marketing professional, and I’m a certified, trauma-informed Life & Success Coach and clinical hypnotherapist. I don’t believe that you can learn to love promotion just by getting better at it, so I don’t focus on teaching skills first. We start internally, with questions about why promotion feels “off” to you. It is only when you can learn how to promote with purpose, that you can love that side of your business. And–I want you to be on social media sparingly. I want to help my clients unlearn toxic work habits, so they can grow their business healthily and intentionally.

I’ve grown my business over time, and I am most proud that I stay true to my authenticity along the way. It is tempting to follow the formulas that other coaches are selling. I’m not into that because it doesn’t last. When you copy someone else’s strategy, what you’re missing is the part that makes them love their work. You don’t have that–you have something else. My coach Michelle Jalali said this once and it always rings true for me: “Authenticity begets abundance.” I don’t wish to make money by deceiving or hooking people into a false idea that I have the solution to solve their problem. Instead, my goal is to help them discover their own solutions, to guide them to journey into that wisdom intentionally.

I want the world to know that I’m genuinely excited about helping others use their voice. I believe it is my purpose to be a microphone for others. I want to amplify your message by showing you how to turn on your own speaker and speak it loud and proud!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I could not be where I am today without the support, love, and encouragement of my husband Nick Kuhar. As someone who has carved his own path in life, from building a high school film department that is being internationally recognized, to always pursuing growth and emotional agility in his field, he is an inspiration to me. He is gifted with language which has helped me in my messaging when I’m experiencing feeling stuck. He is also there to keep me grounded when I start floating away with too many distractions. And to remind me to just chill out and lighten up sometimes!

I also have to thank my coaches Suz Paulinski, Kate Reuter, Kayley Robsham, Michelle Jalali, and Em Scimeca who have mentored and supported me through my business and personal growth.

Lastly, my friend and mentor Sarah Weiss, a business owner of more than 40 years, who gives me perspective that not everything needs to be aligned with whatever’s trending at the time. She gives me encouragement that I can stay true to myself and successful at the same time.

Website: http://megan-kuhar.com

Instagram: http://instagram.com/megankuhar

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtistMagicwithMeganKuhar

Image Credits
Hilary Bovay

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