We had the good fortune of connecting with Rosemary Meeks and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rosemary, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
I started Wheels and Heels HTX to get the people the car community brings together the chance to give back to the local community. The impact to those local organizations have been good, but we continue to strive for great. Most events are hosted as a show where the person or club hosting needs to get reimbursed for the money they’ve spent to have the event or it’s a benefit for a particular person who has suffered a financial tragedy and needing to cover funeral expenses or medical costs. What I do is different. I host a meet, free of charge for anyone and everyone to attend and request supply donations for a specific local charity. Many of our small local charities get overlooked or no one knows they even exist. There are many meets hosted around Houston, the car community here is huge, but most of them meet for fun, which don’t get me wrong it’s fun to hangout at any time, but myself and many others have found that some of these meets turn into disaster quickly. With the way I have been doing things for the past two years we attract a different crowd. People that are more laid back, but still want to have a good time. I guess you could say a more mature set of individuals who know the time and place for certain actions when out with a group of fellow enthusiasts. This is what helps get the right people out that want to donate the supplies to the charities. We make them feel welcome and they always want to return. We give them a safe environment to hang out and in return they help us give to the community. It’s a win – win.

Please tell us more about your business. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
I think I pretty much covered the topic of what sets Wheels and Heels HTX apart previously, but to answer what I’m most proud of? It would have to be my crew. An all female crew can be hard to manage. Everyone can get very opinionated and let’s face it, women are emotional being’s. We’ve had a lot of ladies come and go, but who we have now are the ones helping keep the spirit and enthusiasm going. We have kept it a neutral atmosphere with positive attitudes and good vibes all around. Getting to this point has not been easy by far. It has been trial and error, eventually the right people came in as the wrong ones walked out and have been the ones to help hold it together. Like I said it wouldn’t be possible to do it alone. To overcome most of the problem was to restructure the dynamic of the club. Give more choices in participation with no obligation and the right people will come to you. The ones who want to help do what we’re doing without ulterior motives. I want the world (mostly just our local community) to know we’re out there trying to make a difference and do good. That we welcome all ladies who love cars, trucks and bikes to get involved with us. I want others to know if they’re looking for what I call a safe zone for a meet they should come out, see what we do and just hangout.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
There are so many things to do in Houston. I’d definitely have to say that some of my favorite restaurants I’d have to take her to would be Hanz Diner, a great little place with good country food and not overly priced, Sparkles Hamburger Spot is also a favorite, you can’t beat her burgers anywhere else and of course there’s Spanish Flowers. Who can turn down authentic Mexican food? I’m really big on Houston artists too so I’d have to show her around the art district to show off the Houston murals and go to the Color Factory. Maybe do some shopping in the Downtown Tunnels. I’d definitely have to take her to some of the local car meets and maybe even Houston Motorsports to check out the races. Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I owe recognition and credit to all the ladies in my crew and the people who come out to our events. Without their efforts and their support behind me we would not be successful. No one can truly say they succeed in business alone and that’s because their customers make them successful. It works the same way with our events. We are nothing without every one of them.

Website: https://wheelsandheelshtx.wixsite.com/wheelsandheelshtx

Instagram: https://instagram.com/wheels.n.heels.htx

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/wheelsnheelshtx/

Image Credits
Leona Harling

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutHTX is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.