We had the good fortune of connecting with Tres Page and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Tres, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I think sometimes you have a choice and other times there’s the illusion of choice. I was in a band and I had some ideas of what I wanted to do, but no freedom to actually achieve the concept. The money was great, but there were other things that made me question if I was on the right path and after an extensive talk with my wife (aka the real boss) I decided to venture off on my own with some people I could trust with the vision. It basically came in the form of risk assessment: will you be fulfilled and can you do this without it severely impacting our quality of life. I think if I had a chance to rethink it, I’d do it differently but I’d still be here.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I’ve always been a writer. Published books, poems, a total dreamer. I love writing short stories and just letting people on Facebook see what I have going on in my head. High fantasy, political commentary, deep thinker stories are what I grew up on. Storytelling comes naturally, but the tools came from several English teachers that would purposefully give me bad grades even when my writing was above everyone else’s because they knew when I wasn’t applying myself. Between the writing and being asked by Gio (Playboyz) to come perform on stage, it was a natural progression to become a musician.

I have a natural ear, but it gets me in trouble sometimes. I might sing a song but it’ll be the harmony the entire time. I had to train myself away from certain habits I picked up from other players. I’d been tuning my bass wrong for years before someone taught me where to put my fingers. I have Bombed at shows and I’ve had standing ovations. It’s been a rollercoaster and most of it has been self induced.

If I wouldn’t have enabled so many people on my way up, I would be light years ahead of where I am now. I gave when I had nothing, and most of those people aren’t even friends with me anymore. Out of the tens of thousands of dollars I’ve lent to people who couldn’t show up when I was moving out of our apartment, I’ve come to realize that personnel means everything when you’re trying to start something. People who truly believe in your vision and are your “day one”’s…. Keep them on your payroll, rain or shine.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
First I’d say to go to Cidercade, probably then move on to Kung-Fu Saloon, take a trip to White Cup Ent for some true Houston swag… probably see a live band at Glyderz World and get on an electric scooter to peruse the city. If there are any tickets, probably catch an unheard of band at White Oak, get wasted and walk through Seismique (a truly underrated experience), head up to the roof at POST Houston for the view and whatever shenanigans they have going on there. I know I’d definitely go for Ninja Ramen or see a Drive-in Movie at the Moonstruck Drive In… gotta get down to the SOUTHSIDE in Kemah and anywhere you go there’s something to do (especially Voodoo Hut when they have live music). Hit up Bubble Jungle and bring my dogs while we swing. Then on the last day it’s any Taco place in Pasadena (not that yuppie Torchys crap).

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
There was a point of my life where I was homeless. When my wife met me I was a bouncer at a bar called Dempseys. I was in the worst place of my life and when she asked me to move in we fought about it constantly. All of our setbacks we had came from my issues with pride, my self deprecation and listening to everyone’s opinion of myself as if it meant more than my own self image. She bought me my first bass, helped get all the gear I currently own (though technically my first microphone came from The Glen Gray – a Blu 48v mic) and after many years of sacrificing to the music, we were able to live years on just the money I made off music alone. Now, she makes our bands merchandise and helps with marketing, and I get a chance to help get creative dreams come true. So I’d definitely say my wife and those people who stop me after shows and tell me I’m doing a good job, it keeps me going and puts me in a place to do the most good. I’m blessed and highly favored.

Website: Facebook.com/AliasPage

Instagram: Instagram.com/AliasBandHTX

Twitter: @MD_Evolved

Facebook: Facebook.com/Mdhuilin

Youtube: Youtube.com/AliasBandHTX

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