Our Linked Prosperity: how local businesses are helping their communities

Most of the media often paints all businesses with a single stroke, but in our experience businesses are each unique and so many of them are focused on making the world a better place. We’ve highlighted a few such gems below.
I love this question, and have run it through my brain multiple times to ensure I did it justice my work in the community and my work in my Design business take about equal part s of my brain. I truly don’t see one without the other. We really do all belong to each other. it goes way back nearly 30 years, when I was in my early. years as a hairstylist, I realized the gift. of the work I did could change the way people felt about themselves, so I would bring in homeless people on slow days (when my boss what out of the salon, shhhhh) and would give them the full treatment, would wash their clothes, do their beards and send them out with a new confidence in themselves, that never left me. it’s like a drug, trying to find ways ot give that to people on a daily basis. Read more>>
I’m honestly not sure that I currently do. This has bothered me a little as I struggle with the idea that the very idea behind imagery can paint an unrealistic portrait of things- an inflated reality- and I know that this is harmful. My goal behind my photos is to tell a story as it was really happening and I don’t care so much about the beauty of perfection. I care more about the beauty of the moment I have been working on service projects personally, and using photography as a vehicle for this. I am hoping to continue this and expand as I able. Read more>>
Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children ages 1-4yrs old. Our mission is to change this statistic! Drowning is completely preventable, and it is our goal to get as many families water safe as possible. Once a person can roll into a static float, they can save their own life. Read more>>
My work has helped to raise awareness and drive conversation around the way women are viewed in the Church as well as society. The stories of women from the Bible have often been passed up, overlooked, or misunderstood. When we are able to reexamine some stories that are vaguely familiar, we see new things and gain insight. Recognizing invaluable role that women played in the growth of Christianity, the Church, and our society should inspire us to open more doors and pathways for women to have a seat at the table. Read more>>
We activate people around things that matter. For more than a decade, we’ve been working with impact-driven brands, organizations and people dedicated to social change. Our work spans across industries, but always connects to one bottom line: a cause-driven mission and a strong sense of purpose. On any given day, we’re working to help improve public health, to increase access to parks and green spaces for all, to save children in the foster system, to transform communities. Our jobs keep us learning about the most pressing issues in our community, across the country and around the world, and then we unite to use our talents to address those issues. There is nothing more fulfilling! Read more>>
The Alliance is a leading nonprofit organization for welcoming and empowering those who face financial, educational, health, language, or cultural barriers to realizing their dreams. The Community Cloth is a microenterprise initiative of The Alliance. Our mission is to help empower refugee women here in Houston, Texas. There are 5 key components to the program: peer and wellness support, women empowerment, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and marketing opportunities. We teach the women how to market and sustain themselves as well as their families by selling their indigenous crafts and wares while learning how to operate a business with the hope that one day they will start their own. Many of these women come from various places around the world and share many similar life experiences when they arrive here as new Americans. Read more>>
H-Towne & Around Remodelers is a full service remodeling company that specializes in making old, dated, tired looking homes new and beautiful again. You could say, we love breathing new life into them and we love to see our clients excitement when we are finished. We also believe in giving back to the community through our 501C company, Guns To Hammers, which specializes in helping wounded veterans in their homes with various ADA remodeling type services. These types of services enable them to live life more independently with dignity. A portion of every project H-Towne does, goes to supporting our foundation. Read more>>
My business helps the community by helping improve the health of our customers. One of the most valuable tools in helping our customers is Iridology. Iridology is an Alternative Health Science based on iris analysis that most people are unfamiliar with. An Iridology analysis provides an easy way to see what’s going on inside the body. By analyzing the fibers of the iris, Iridology reveals inherited strengths and weaknesses in major organs and body systems, as well as changes that occur during one’s lifetime. Iridology allows you to be very specific about your body and your health, and provides valuable insight on enjoying optimal health on a highly individualized basis. No two people have the same eyes, because everyone is different! The eye is not so much a “window to the soul,” as it is the “light of the body.,” and shows what’s really going on inside. Read more>>