We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
Billy Sang | DJ & Music Producer
I think risk is almost interchangeable with regret if you think about it as the counterpart. Like if I don’t take this risk today, how much more will I regret in the future? This way of thinking about risk helps me navigate through big decisions like choosing music as a career, even though I’ve been told it’s a very risky career path with little to no guarantee of success. Or maybe I’ve learned at a young age living under strict parents that risk can be good, it can teach you a lot more than staying inside all the time. Read more>>
Asta Paredes | Actress, Filmmaker & Activist
I think risk, at its most grounded, is an exercise in trusting the process. Of course you have to measure risk– assess it. Will this harm me or others? Am I afraid of failure? What are the outcomes? Best and worst case scenario. In my life I’ve assessed risk the older I get because I’ve seen the toll that comes from not seeing things through. Even having said that, I’d argue that many times those risk taking moments have become the most defining moments. They’ve shown me who I am and where my strengths and weaknesses are. They’ve shown me who my support system is and where I still still need to support my journey. In my career, risks have been doing things that speak to me even when others advise me otherwise. It is in those moments when risk feels most like faith. It is those moments when you have to listen to not the loudest most critical voice but the one that says your soul needs this. The reward from that risk is so much sweeter even when the success isn’t easily defined or recognized by others. As an actress I’ve worked hard to cultivate risk taking regularly because I don’t want to follow others’ path. I’m insistent on making my own. One defined by the bold assumption that I can have a career rooted in integrity, love, and my greater purpose. “It ain’t all hearts and flowers” as JLo would say—but it makes the adventure of my soul here all the richer. I’m taking a risk pursuing a dream that only I can see and I’m willing to trust in me. Read more>>
Elida Garza | Portrait Photographer
I feel that my passion as a fashion portrait photographer has helped many upcoming inspiring models achieve their goals and passions within the modeling world. I first started my career as a model, and then transitioned into becoming a portrait photographer, with my knowledge and insight of the modeling industry, I feel that when a model books a session with me, I tend to interact with the models perspective in mind, and use that as a tool to collaborate on set. I can truly put myself into the models shoes because I have experienced their side of the industry. I would love to use my photography to travel the world and meet new people, and cultures that I could help spread their stories through my lens. Read more>>
Larika Baldwin | Photographer
My Business offers a financially friendly service that allows individuals, families, and even small businesses the access to professional images. Many photographers focus on the money aspect of this art but my focus is on the memories and moments that are preserved for those that use my services. We see this service as a art form used to freeze a moment to last a lifetime. Read more>>
Penny Schuur | Photographer, Etsy Shop Owner & Steel Worker
Oh man… so many things… but what makes me most happy is my Family and spending time with them. Watching my girls learn, grow and play together, watching their father play with them and teach them all about nature and the outdoors. Our favorite happy place together is spending the weekend at the beach. We all have something we love to do there… both alone and together. Jason and Carleigh enjoy fishing the surf, Mila loves to play in the sand, and I love to photograph all the action and scenery. Plus, we all love to search for unique shells and shark teeth in the rippling waves of the shore. In the busy life of 2 working parents with the girls in dance, gymnastics and girl scouts… we don’t get a lot of time to just relax. Getting away to the beach for the weekend gives us that. Read more>>
Judy Abreu | Master Hair Stylist
Well, since I was younger and first went to beauty school, I always imagined that I would have my own salon. I struggled academically and knew that I would not be able to be what traditionally people would see as ‘successful’ but what I did have was a strong work ethic and resilience even at a young age 1st starting beauty school at my local Boces. It originally started out as a dream for a clothing line and owning a little boutique, and doing hair as well, but when I actually started doing hair, I worked in a few salons and started to notice negativity that I didn’t like behind the scenes and I had a strong desire to want to have a positive uplifting environment, that people come in get their hair done and leave feeling more beautiful than when they came In. And then the opportunity presented itself a few years later and that’s how Beautiful People New York was born. Read more>>
Jazzmon Key | Entrepreneur
The most important lesson business has taught me; your main support will always come from strangers. Family and sometimes close friends will be the first people to try to take advantage of you or not give you their full support. They don’t always believe in your dream. Don’t be afraid to network and reach out to stranger for support. They keep your business afloat. Read more>>
Kate Phillips | Filmmaker, Performer, Storyteller & Professor
I have been an artist and creative person my whole life. I was lucky to have parents and teachers who encouraged me to think about myself as an artist. To me, creativity is the matter of life. We are all creative and capable of expression. Pursuing a life and career as an artist is meaningful for me because, not only does it give me the tools to understand and express my truth, it has the capacity to inspire others to be courageous enough to do the same. A life as an artist is always unfolding into something new and unexplored. I love knowing that as long as I live, there will always be something to discover. Read more>>
Shelby Dean | Person Chef/Experienced Caterer
I’ve recently gotten into a new relationship and have gained some pretty amazing bonus babies. Being a full-time bonus mom has changed my work balance tremendously. In the past as a single entrepreneur, I balanced work with having a social life, letting my hair down by hanging with friends. Now my balance is going to the parks with my family on resting days, Church on Sundays and always having my amazing partner in my corner to keep me fueled and motivated when I get overwhelmed. It’s a different feel, a feeling of peace and sanity. To know that you now have your own family to lean on and to give you that extra push, that little escape from the stress that entrepreneurship can bring is all of the balance I’ve ever really needed. especially in this season that Iam in currently with business. It took a little while to get use to the balance especially during busy season, (Holidays) But I wouldn’t trade it in for anything else. My family is my motivation/balance, and they really keep me going. Read more>>