Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
Andrés Monnier | Artist, Sculptor, Business Man
I think taking risks has been a key point in my process. And also in my life… when we talk about risks we allude to a more complex meaning than just referring to an undesired event that may or not occur. Risk takes place in the unknown and uncertain. I must confess, there’s a constant feeling inside me that feels like I’m improvising, as a reaction to being in positions where I face the unknown. I often surprise myself in situations too extremist. That’s why a lot of decisions I’d take feels crucial. Read more>>
Alejandro Magana | Sales Professional
This is a tough one, most people would see Risks as something you must fear. Personally, I enjoy taking risks. The best decisions I’ve ever made in life, have come from taking a risk on something new. Taking risks has opened up doors for me that I never have imagined. Read more>>
Johnnie Bernhard | Traditionally published author
As a traditionally published author writing novels based on social issues, I realized from the very beginning of my career risk was enormous. When you are a creative, you feel the intrinsic need of making a statement regardless of money, fame, and acceptance. Not everyone will love or even like what you’ve created. But the belief in what you are creating, the story, the statement far exceeds the risks of rejection. Read more>>
Josiah Webb | JAW””
I believe taking risks plays an important role in progressing as people Change comes about when individuals are willing to take more risks in life with the hope of having a positive impact Recognizing that putting myself in positions to experience unfamiliar ideas allows me to grow in the sense that I personally am able to decide what changes I want to see made in my life Read more>>