The idea: where or how did you come up with it?

Ideas aren’t everything, execution matters greatly, but starting often requires an idea and so we asked folks to think back and tell us the story of how they came up with the idea for their businesses. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite stories below.
Bella Hue was created out of pure necessity for my personal life! After being a hair stylist of 15 years I began showing signs of allergic reactions to most of the products I was accustomed to using in my day to day life. After being told to simply “stop using beauty products” I began my mission to create a truly pure product line that would not only work better but would be better for you too! This all happened during the start of COVID. I had to make the tough decision to officially hang up my hair stylist hat in order to protect my families health. Bella Hue is now my ( with lots of help from my family) full time job. Read more>>
A roommate was bringing kombucha home, we were drinking $200 of kombucha a month. That led me to see how it was made. Turns out it was quite simple, after some research I gave it a go. It quickly back me more than a hobby taking up a spare bedroom and garage. Read more>>
I’m passionate about creating and developing things from scratch. In my family both my grandmothers were really into handicraft work.My father was an engineer but he really had an “out of the box” way of thinking, always being really creative and looking for solutions that were unique. That eventually led me into becoming an Architect and Urbanist. I believe that somehow I was guided to become a really creative person but above all I just became really good in creating things out of an empty space. That’s why I chose to become an Urbanist in the first place and that was something so easy for me. As life passes by, I became a mom and I decided to stop working. That was a double blade sort of thing because in one hand I was really happy to be able to look after my child but on the other hand I started to feel this empty space inside me. I needed to find something else that fulfills me. Maybe other mom’s can relate to that. Read more>>