There is no formula for success, but certain ingredients help

Through our work we have been constantly amazed at the incredible things people in every neighborhood are working on. What’s even more exciting is that they all have different stories, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses. That there isn’t a single formula for success means that everyone can take their unique set of strengths and characteristics and turn it into a success story. We recently reached out to some folks we admire and asked them what characteristics they feel are responsible for their success.
Here at SGB, our top priority and most important, is customer service! Our family {Customers} know when you walk thru our door, you are WELCOMED, LOVED AND APPRECIATED! We LOVE getting to know everyone. We absolutely adore our customers! It is a great feeling that they will stop by on their way home just to tell us hi! Read more>>
Staying true to our brand values of purposefulness, engaging, and fun has been key in our company’s growth. Growing a brand is so full of ups and downs, deciding which opportunities to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to, and learning on the job (daily!) that it can be easy to lose focus on why you’re doing what you’re doing and what is really moving the needle. Read more>>
I feel that my artistic practice – and by extension, my drag, has established a prominence within Malta’s queer community due to my commitment to my ‘absurdist’ aesthetic. I’d like to think my work presents itself in a way that is so amorphous and referentially ambiguous that many audiences can find a way to relate to it in some shape or form. Read more>>
I am straightforward, honest, and dedicated. Clients know that I have their dogs best interest in mind and that I will do whatever it takes to improve their dogs behavior, and the owners relationship with their dog. My clients know that I will be honest about the best solution to their needs and that if they follow my advice, they will achieve desired results. Time and time again those clients see results and begin recommending their friends and family. What-A-Canine’s success is based on the love we have for dogs, our science and psychology based training, the trust we gain from our clients, our “Train anytime” approach, and our belief in training the pet parent as the best method for their canine’s well being. Without these, and our may referrals from clients, we would not have grown at such a rapid rate. Read more>>