Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.

David Rueda

The most Important factor to my success is not giving up, being self-driven to achieve my goals. You have to know what you want, then take action to get to that point. Its important to stay focused on the goal at hand. There are moment in life that make it very difficult, but i just manage to take a deep breath, take a step back analyze the situation and move forward with your head up. There been times while Iwalk with my head down but, the goal was always on my mind and i mange to keep pushing through life and worked on my success as a chef. Read more >>

Jennifer Hernandez

looking back over a 27 year career, if I had to put a message in a bottle it would be this: Read more >>

Kelvin Louie

What is the most important factor behind my success and branding as a new realtor? I believe the most significant factor in my success is being humble in life and fostering relationships with everyone. The second most important aspect is having a remarkable mentor who helps establish a solid foundation in real estate etiquette. I joined KA Realty, a brokerage owned by Joseph Khuat. Read more >>

Phillip Gazca

One thing that I have worked diligently to master over the last 13 years is understanding human behavior. I think this has been one of the biggest keys to the success of my business. The greatest piece of advice I ever received was that my brain doesn’t work like your brain and when I learn how your brain works, we can move forward at a much faster and smoother pace. Understanding how my brain and others’ brains works, has allowed me to create systems in my business that allow myself to be most effective. It also ensures that my team and our clients can process information in a way that makes the most sense to them. Read more >>