We asked the community what factors they felt were responsible for their success and we’ve highlighted some of those responses below.
Shawnti Journal Bae” Refuge | Certified Mental Health Coach
The most important factor behind my brand is that I am very transparent when it comes to telling my story of how I overcame a mental breakdown with the use of talk-therapy and guided journaling. I’m an open book when it comes to letting my audience know about my healing journey. Read more>>
Jen McDonald | Co-Owner, Garden Girls
The core values of our business are rock solid~ we believe in providing our clients with the absolute best start to gardening. That includes design, installation and continued education. We stand out from other companies because we are a complete turnkey brand. Our clients success = our success. Read more>>
Karla Rosa | Entrepreneur
I think the most important factor so far has been the use or real ingredients, nothing artificial, no additives, just the real deal. Every batch is made by hand with loads of passion and care and that automatically translates into a good product. Read more>>
Jessica Nicole | Dope Candle Maker
Building strong relationships has been a key factor in the success of Candle Joint. As a candle company with a mission to advocate for the cannabis industry, we recognize the importance of bringing light and awareness to this space. I am proud to push the industry into a positive light and understand that achieving our mission requires the support and collaboration of the people we meet, the customers we gain, the partnerships we build, our online community, and the mentors we foster. Read more>>