What value or principle matters most to you? Why?

We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.
The value and/or principle that matters most to me is INTEGRITY. Unfortunately in today’s society, it is actually rare to see people or businesses that operate with sincere integrity. It seems to always be about making the next dollar. Please don’t misunderstand me; I own and operate a business, therefore, I understand the importance of making your bottom dollar, margins, income goals etc., however, I am a firm believer that when you operate in the spirit of integrity, the money and all of the other goals you’ve set will follow. It’s imperative that you do well by others and focus on being an advocate for them in that particular moment. If I give my clients the best of myself, my time and my skills/talents, then I’m operating in full integrity. Though the desired outcome may not always be to our liking, I believe that if I’ve operated in full integrity, then I’ve fulfilled what I was called to do for that client. Read more>>
Work ethic the reason I say that is you have to have a good attitude stay positive give the customers an experience that they will want to do business with you in the future. Read more>>
Values that matter to me are kindness and generosity, partly due to how I was raised by my grandparents as well as investments that were made in me by others show of kindness and generosity. Read more>>
I have always valued the diversity of life; the multi-varieties of flowers, trees and animals – including human beings of all heights, weights, skin colors, religions and cultures. This in-born feeling of respect and awe for diversity, became manifest when I was selected as the U.S. National Director of Productions and Events for the United Nations UNICEF. My responsibility was to raise funds working with noted celebrities, Julio Iglesias, Audrey Hepburn and many others from the U.S. and performers from other countries. I brought them to major US cities to help raise funds on behalf of the United Nations Children’s Fund. – How fortunate to get to know diverse cultures and artists. WORLD THEATER is an outgrowth of this work and UNICEF was the way I met my World Theater partner, Mr.Lawrence Wong – who is originally from Asia. Read more>>
My core value would have to be consistency. Consistency is key when developing and owning a business. I remember those times when I would feel so overwhelmed with questions on why my business would not prosper. Some of those questions were: Why am I not getting booked like every one else? Why can’t I get my work to look like that? Is this really something that I want to do? I prayed, and I asked God to reveal it all. I was the reason behind my business struggling, my negative mindset was keeping me from getting ahead. I prayed again, took notes, and started from scratch. I promoted my work, even if I wasn’t very proud of it. I knew someone would take interest in it. I became more social, which led to networking and creating relationships with other business owners. Read more>>