We asked folks to tell us about the most important decisions they’ve made along their journey and have shared some of the highlights below.

Candice Eden | Credit Repair Specialist & Worship Leader/Songwriter

The #1 decision I have made and make again every day is to not quit and to keep dreaming. There have been more difficult days than breezy ones this past year, but I refuse to let go of what I see for myself: Legacy for my children, impact on a mass scale, inspiration and change in my comminity. Read more>>

Gregory Clark | Owner of Legendary Inspection Group, LLC

The decision to be more than just a ‘Home Inspection Company’. At Legendary Inspection Group we are able to offer our customers a WDI (Wood Destroying Insects) Inspection or Termite Inspection, Pool Inspection, Thermal and Moisture Inspections, New Construction Inspections (all phases of the construction process), Pre-Listing Inspections, Pre Warranty Expiration Inspections, Single System Inspections, and more. Read more>>

Brianne Thomas | Brand + Graphic Designer

Other than working for myself the single most important decision I ever made that I would say contributed to my success, was having the confidence & bravery to do what I want to do without worrying what others think of me. It sounds like a cliche, but truly diving into my career & “winging it” so to speak was the best thing I could’ve done for my business. It allowed me to learn on the fly, grow as a designer and business owner, and it helped me develop my style I have as a designer today. I feel like the sooner you tune out the voices in your head telling you “you’re not good enough” or that “you’re an imposter” the sooner you will feel the freedom to be what you want to be as a business owner. Read more>>