They say life isn’t about the things that happen to you, but about the decisions you make. There’s a ton of coverage about the best decisions people have made, but not nearly enough conversation about the tough decisions.  We asked folks we admire to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve ever had to make and have shared some of those responses below.

Christie Goldstein | Photographer

I was once told that a study out of Columbia University found that the average person makes around 70 decisions in any given day. While most decisions aren’t difficult, we all face a few big ones that indeed guide who we will become. For me, the most difficult decision I have ever had to make was to walk away from an unstable home environment at the age of 16. This was a pivotal and risky choice that had no clear path of a best course of action. The responsibility of this choice was mine alone and while I was very young when I had to make it I learned a very valuable character lesson that guides my decision making to this day, some 30 years later. Read more>>

Ariel Semere | Owner

The most difficult decision I have made was leave a secure paying job with benefits to start my own business. Taking that leap of Faith has opened up so many opportunities that I have always known existed. Read more>>

Allison Henderson | Writer, Blogger and Ignitor of Hope

This decision is the most difficult one I’ve made in my life. It could easily be a career and relational suicide, but I can no longer stay silent as those suffering continue to be ostracized. You see, I have this “thing” called Borderline Personality Disorder. It causes intense instability in moods and impulsive behaviors. Most of my days are consumed with a violent shuffle from joy to anger to sorrow. Chronic feelings of emptiness consume me. Others may view me as a beautiful oak, with deep roots, but I feel hollow inside. Read more>>