What’s Your Why?

We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
H: Pursuing a creative career was a natural choice for me, as it allowed me to merge my hands-on love for creating and the opportunity for creative expression, which I’d developed a love for during my years spent dancing. This career path has allowed me to surround myself with people, spaces, and materials that inspire me daily. Read more>>
I don’t think I could mentally do anything else, in fact, I always ask myself why I didn’t do it sooner. From a young age, I have been a creative person. My earliest memories were watching anime and always drawing. I also remember my teachers disliking it and asking me not to draw in class. However, art wasn’t only fun, it was my escape from reality, a mental shelter. As I got older, societal pressures urged me to do something else as the stigma of being an artist deterred me from immediately jumping into an artistic field. Read more>>
I spent many years in my early career as an Executive Assistant and Event Planner. I’ve always enjoyed watching people have a good time and celebrate special occasions. When I had my last child, I was looking for something that would allow me to work on my own schedule and still be creative and observe people celebrating special events.In 2020, when the Pandemic arrived to the US, the carding business boomed with everyone at home and I considered starting a business then but waited until 2022 when many in our area were leaving the market. Read more>>