We had the good fortune of connecting with Sheba CreativeAF and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Sheba, what’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?
The most difficult decision I think I’ve ever had to make was walking away from what didn’t serve me. Primarily because what wasn’t serving me provided so much comfort and familiarity. It’s never easy to walk away from what you’ve always known or what you’ve always done, but I was willing to make that sacrifice to be successful and to live a more abundant life.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
There are many coaches and consultants in the personal development sphere, and we’re all doing great work to help other people become the best versions of themselves. I am so grateful to be sharing space with some of the most powerful people walking this earth. What sets me apart from others is just my personal experience with healing and coaching myself, I’m a human here just like everyone else but I had to learn a lot about what people experience when they aren’t being successful by doing it over and over again, trying to climb out of the pit I created with my negative mindset.

I spent many years keeping myself from being the person I needed to be due to fear and self-hatred, I didn’t know how to fix it until I got connected to the energy of this expansive universe and allowed myself to follow the direction of my spirit. It wasn’t easy to do, and the truth is I’m still doing it. There are things that still scare me, and when they come up, I have to use the same process I use to support clients for myself. I think there are a lot of people who want to help others and do but haven’t been through extremely dark times themselves so it’s hard for them to relate all the way to the root.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, I have done it and I have lived on both sides of the spectrum. I have hidden in the darkness in suffering, and I have danced in the light expressing joy. I can say that I would so much rather live here in this place where it’s me having to do hard things daily, say things that are uncomfortable and be uncomfortable than to live in complacency in the dark cloaked with myself hatred. I am here to serve others as a flashlight but if they’re not ready to find themselves I can’t make them do it, I’m just a guide and a support system. I’m not the magician in your life, you are.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d like to give credit to the creator for this experience. I am surprised every day at what I came here to do because it feels so much bigger than I am, and in truth it is but as long as I remain connected to source I will continue to advance and grow. In my own growing I’ll be able to serve others along the way.

I’d like to thank The Vibe Tribe, both of them, my friends and family for being there while I was journeying to this point. There’s a lot more to go and I’m sure there are more individuals who will be part of this story.

I don’t know if I can say one book helped me as I’ve read so many but The Energy of Money, Infinite Potential, The Body Keeps the Score, and Psycho-Cybernetics.

Website: www.mscreativeaf.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/creativeafconsulting

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MSCreativeAF

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/creativeaf-consulting-houston

Youtube: www.youtube.com/betweenusgirlspodcast

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