We had the good fortune of connecting with William Jeffery and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi William, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
The pandemic has brought about new income streams. I started the Flipboard Edu Podcast to help educators navigate remote learning and teaching with technology.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
By day I am a high school assistant principal in Columbia Brazoria ISD and by night I am a award winning podcast host. I am proud that I have the opportunity to reach many educators through Flipboard as I write articles and interview educators on my podcast, as well as, writing blogs on Flipboard Edu.

I began podcasting as a hobby in my classroom teaching students how to use audio along with video to complete daily assignments. As I progressed in my professional career, I did trainings on podcasting at Fort Bend ISD.

While working at Lamar ISD, I started a podcast with Dr. Michael Milstead called “I want to speak to the Principal,” It was not easy, although we had great content it was a learning curve to get sound and production correct. With the support of my wife Laura introducing me to industry professionals and her motivation for me to succeed, allowed me to hone in my skills as a writer, producer and host.

I have learned that whatever your passion is, money will follow. I have also learned that there is no secret to success and it is predictable because when a seed is placed in the right environment it will grow a forest.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
The first stop would be Prairie View A&M University to see the beautiful campus and admire the history of the second oldest higher education institution in the great state of Texas. It would not be a visit without going to the Breakfast Klub in Downtown Houston wearing our PV gear to support the TSU alumni’s establishment I love to eat so most of the time we would be driving around looking at sites such as the Musuem District, the graffiti walls and fishing in Surfside. Eating at places like Poly Pop and Big Horn is a must, as well as, stopping by The Cork Screw in Lake Jackson and Kenny and Ziggys for some good ole fashioned NY deli. For a great dinner you can’t forget Eddie V’s on Kirby and the various Microbrewery’s in town like City Acres and Buffalo Bayou Brewers.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I dedicate my shoutout to my wife Laura Jeffery who has worked with me on this project. I also would like to shout out Christel van der Boom and Aileen Lalor and Flipboard.

Website: FlipEDUpodcast.com

Instagram: CoachJeffery

Linkedin: CoachJeffery

Twitter: @CoachJeffery

Facebook: FlipEDUpodcast

Youtube: CoachJeffery

Image Credits
Courtesy of Flipboard EDU Erin Cleaves

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