There are so many factors that can play a role in determining our results, performance and ultimately our success, but some factors matter more than others. We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor driving their success.
Angie Blacklock | Business Development Director
I think organization and planning are the main factors of achieving success in most areas of life. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. I take time each week to look ahead at what I want to accomplish, work commitments and family time. I plan my week based on those pieces and try to make it all work. Some weeks are in sync and go perfectly, others… it’s a swing and a miss. Read more>>
B. Keith Crear III | Multi-Media Photographer
Constantly Researching trends: One of the top habits I have picked up is to research current trends and figure out ways to market with them or within their realm. This goes from traditional ways to advertise to using social media. Using current popular language and visuals to incorporate into my advertising to gain new customers. Following my own path: Along with being in an industry such as photography/graphic design its easy to get caught following the norm. You have to create your own way of doing things and paving a path for your creativity to represent itself. Don’t follow what everybody else is doing. It’s like entering a crowded freeway when the side streets free and clear. Constantly practicing my craft: One of the MOST important habit that I picked up was, ALWAYS PRACTICING. You are never too great to not practice. Read more>>
Huda Fahmy | Author & Illustrator
Staying positive is what’s helped me succeed. It takes a concentrated effort on my part to moving forward despite setbacks and poor performance. Do it enough times, it becomes habit. Read more>>
Aleeza Ben Shalom | Dating Coach & Author
I had to learn to slow down to the speed of life. Even though I have many ideas and I am motivated to make things happen I wasn’t always able to move as quickly as I wanted. Learning to move at the pace of life helped me to be patient with the process and to prepare myself for the long haul. I wasn’t in business only for a year or two this is something I’m prepared to do for a lifetime. I had to be willing to grow my business at a pace that was also good for my family in order to make it sustainable. Read more>>