Ideas aren’t everything, execution matters greatly, but starting often requires an idea and so we asked folks to think back and tell us the story of how they came up with the idea for their businesses. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite stories below.

Amanda Taylor | Stay at home mom and baker

I became a stay at home mother 11 years ago and enjoyed every moment of it. I have always cooked and baked for my family and others. There became a time where I felt I needed more.witj the kids entering school and myself left at home with just the four walls to stare at. I discussed it with my husband over and over again. I just couldn’t think of anything that would work with our schedule and he kept mentioning for me to start a bakery. All of my friends were telling me the same thing. Read more>>

Rosslyn Randle | Podcaster & Influencer

I came up with the idea of a podcast because I wanted to be heard. I had a lot of things to say and wanted a bigger audience to talk to. I wanted to voice my opinion about how I felt with things and just jumped into it blindly and feet first. Read more>>

Jasmine Caldwell | Owner

The idea for my business came from my childhood. This is a family business. My Granny & Aunt had a candy house & use to sell Kool Cups. It was a koolaid juice recipe that would go in the freezer to cool us down. When it was done freezing, my favorite was flipping the kool cup upside down, for more flavor & the ice was softer at the bottom. I grew up & created my own version of the bottom of a kool cup. I put soft premium shaved ice in a cup and I hand make my own syrup from my family recipe. You can put the kool cup in a regular styrofoam cup or a cool fruit shell (pineapples & watermelons) . Our syrup is unique & the flavor brings you back to a happy place of being a kid again. A Kool Tasty Treat To Beat The Heat. Read more>>

Tiffany Cook | CEO and Founder

I had a store front with a friend of mine. I saw the day to day struggle of not having enough exposure. So I started hosting markets to drive more traffic to the store front. We were doing really well than hurricane Harvey came. We fought to save it, but we let it ago a year later. So when that business shut down. I came back and found other small businesses to help the same way. When I started doing Popups the market was not saturated with them. Now I see all small businesses doing what I do to have more exposure to succeed! Read more>>

Ja Kya Sheppard | Fitness and Wellness Studio owner

The simply answer is pain. Seeing the women that I love the most deal with health threatening issues when I was young. My grandmother had her leg amputated from a severe case of diabetes while I was in grade school. At the time, I never understood why no one had any effective lifestyle practices? or nutritional alternative that would still keep her satisfied but heal the chronic life threatening issues. In addition, I was personal affected with personal health struggles. Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in my 20’s, I was gaining weight and facial hair was growing crazy, and I had no idea what was going on what my ‘health fit body’. One of my member at the time suggested to get tested for PCOS. Read more>>

BE FREE IMPORTS | Importer & Marketing Specialist

Our business is centered around bridging the gap between producers who make unique, quality goods and the U.S. market. The idea for BE-FREE IMPORTS LLC was founded during the founders experience in Peace Corps Guatemala. During his service he traveled through out Latin America, learned about different cultures, and was exposed to cooperatives / manufacturers who produced 1st class products and goods. Read more>>