There is no formula for success, but certain ingredients help

Through our work we have been constantly amazed at the incredible things people in every neighborhood are working on. What’s even more exciting is that they all have different stories, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses. That there isn’t a single formula for success means that everyone can take their unique set of strengths and characteristics and turn it into a success story. We recently reached out to some folks we admire and asked them what characteristics they feel are responsible for their success.
When thinking about the things that happen on a back porch during the summer, some might recall long naps, cold drinks with friends, or even conversations about upcoming vacation plans. I doubt many would say starting an online business during a pandemic, but that’s exactly what happened; that’s how The Southern Spirit was born. A conversation between neighbors, best friends, and sisters occurred on a back porch discussing what was next for each of us in this new, crazy chapter of our lives. So, when we were asked, “What is the most important factor behind the success of our brand?” Read more>>
The most important factor behind my career, my success, and my brand is my faith in God. I believe that God has a plan and destiny for my life and God will not let me leave the earth until that destiny is fulfilled. Faith is to believe things that are unseen. So even when I get weary or maybe when someone around me doesn’t understand my everlasting perseverance to bring Jemima Joél, The Woman Who Sings and Paints, to fruition, I don’t give up. God has given me these two special gifts and a way of combining them in which makes me a unique performer. My brand is about creating the visual and aural experience of music and art. My brand is also about bringing black beauty, emotion, and black everyday life and issues to the arts. Read more>>
I believe I’ve found success as a fitness professional because of my integrity and relatability as a human. I think today its easy to hide behind filters and good lighting, show your best angles and always be “perfect.” I’ve decided to represent myself unfiltered, honest and flawed because we all are. I’m not afraid to share struggles in my own journey as an athlete and a woman engulfed in her own fitness journey. I think it’s important to show your true self to your audience, and with that not “sell them a fantasy” Read more>>
I would say the most important factor behind both my personal success, and that of Cornerstone’s is our community. There’s no possible way that I would have been able to do this alone. Juli and I co-founded Cornerstone with the vision of creating something different and truly relevant in the doula community; filling in the gaps that we had experienced in our training. Read more>>
My business would not be what it is today without all the support I’ve received. My business has grown so much since starting back in 2020, and it’s all thanks to the support I’ve received from family, friends, and all of my social media platforms. I’ve realized that even when it seems like no one is noticing your work, there is always someone cheering you on and wishing you success… and that’s all it takes. Read more>>
Most of all having a firm foundation in prayer is by far my greatest impact for my business but Customer Service was also an asset. Being able to meet Customers/Clients satisfaction and catering to their needs is one thing but customer service is where it all begins for me. In order for your brand to be successful you must care and respect who your target audience is, what they do and their opinion. Just like the saying treat people the way you would want to be treated. This questions your character if you do not produce the best character it will manifest itself in what ever you do. Read more>>