Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.

Dre Dior | Artist & Songwriter

I was rapping since I was a kid. My older cousin who also was an artist, P. Coles, started seeing potential in my bars when I was 17/18. That’s when he took me to the studio, and the rest was history. Read more>>

Rodric Horton | Beatmaker/Producer

As a kid I had a huge interests in music and at the time, my mother’s CDs and records, which consisted of mo-town funk, soul, and 90s hip-hop had a very unique sound that I would try to copy by humming and (unintentionally at the time) beatboxing. That curiosity of sounds grew as I grew and while I was going through alot of mental hardships during the teen years, my brother MJ introduced me to a FL studio platform where I could make music. I felt a sense of freedom when making beats and wanted to chase that feeling over and over again and I wanted to extend that feeling to others. Eventually that became my main reason for being a beatmaker and producer. Read more>>

Julia Serbina | Artist & UGC Creator

Creativity as a way of my life. I never miss an opportunity to be creative in Arts or right now I find my new inspiration UGC Creator. I try to create something original or unique to make video and photos for brands, The creative life is full of new possibilities, discoveries and experimentation. Read more>>