Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.
Being an artist was the only thing that really made sense. I can’t but truly be myself COMPLETELY when I’m writing or performing. Music just cuts me wide open. I can’t hide, I can’t pretend. I’m my strongest and most vulnerable and have the most fun doing what I do! Read more>>
Octavia Shorter | Hair Artist, Entrepreneur, & Business Owner
I feel that everyone possess the ability to create in different ways. Hair for me is a passion that allows my creative juices to flow. Some may see hair just as a difficult task, to me I see a blank canvas. I choose a career to create art and be able to spark the positive energy amongst each individual with this experience. Read more>>
LaDuska York | Artist-Painter
I became a painter a little over 2 years ago after becoming agoraphobic due to my bipolar type II diagnosis. I was able to connect with others from a distance with my paintings. Since then, painting has become my greatest doctor and my greatest medicine. Read more>>
Steven Ivy | Music Content Creator
I fell in love with music at a very early age and spent most of my life trying to make it as a musician. As I reached my 40s and being a parent became more of a priority over band life, I realized that music would forever be the biggest part of who I am. So, I first decided to start a podcast to share my experiences and excitement with the music I love, but that quickly evolved into a YouTube channel and that has been my primary focus for the last 5 years. Read more>>