Why did you pursue an artistic or creative career?

Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.
I’ve always been really in touch with the feelings of a space. I knew as young as 8 that I had a drive to create spaces, but it wasn’t until I had my first internship staging rooms in Dillard’s that I realized I could give other people that feeling, too. It’s silly, but staging those display cases was so eye-opening. I always thought working was sitting at a cold desk, just that stuffy office environment where there’s no room for creativity. I was so excited when I started that job; I couldn’t believe they paid people to do the thing I loved. I could make a feeling just in that little glass box, give people an impression. Read more>>
If I am not on my way home, I must be on the way to photograph. This statement mostly describes why I pursue an artistic or creative career. That is, I love photographing to the greatest extent. It’s more than my dream job. It’s now my daily life. Though I have never received any professional training in Art or gone to an Art school, I find myself having great senses of artistic work. The token is the global recognition that I have received from photo contests. As now, my photographs have been awarded by 17 international photography contests. The self-trained artistic development is also instrumental to my professional development. I now own a professional photography firm serving both photography and cinematography. Read more>>
Art has been a passion of mine since I was a child. During college, I double majored in art and accounting which provided me the opportunity to pursue a career in international tax using my accounting degree. While focusing on building my tax career and starting our family, art was something I did when I could make a bit of time here and there. There wasn’t much time available, but I was able to participate in an annual show so I knew I’d complete at least one painting each year. Now that my kids are older and my husband is a stay-at-home dad, I have more free time that I can devote to art. Art is healing for me, and I see it as a form of therapy to step back and relax from the demands of my tax career. I’ve focused on building my art business in recent years, so I guess you could say I’m a dual-career woman now. Read more>>
I’ve always had a love for art. Growing up an only child, I always found myself drawing different things not even realizing that it was art, it just came naturally. I always loved those little science projects in grade school cause I got to showcase my creativity. Art was always my favorite class throughout all my school years. In high school, I was in cosmetology were I began a love for makeup, which in my eye is another form of art. I used my face as an canvas and loved playing with colors however during this pandemic, I didn’t want to risk getting the virus so I had to put that career on pause for the time being. So I went back to painting, I wanted to seal a painting with resin and while I was looking up how to properly use resin I discovered a new hobby, basically on accident. Read more>>
I have a day j0b working in cybersecurity for a major tech firm, so making games in my spare time is a great release for my artistic creative side. My favorite part of being a publisher is selecting the right artist for each project. I spent time every single day looking for new artistic talent on sites like Artstation. Read more>>