Working hard or hardly working?

What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
Working for myself has allotted me a work life balance that I did not have before. When working in the retail industry, I worked all of the time and it took up the majority of my time. Life around me was passing me by. I often missed holidays, birthdays, and events held for my family and friends. This was a major motivator for me to make the change that I did. In the beginning phases of starting a business, the best thing you get back is time. You are able to schedule your activities around your business. In the past year I have been able to attend games for my nephews, homeschool my daughter during the pandemic and spend more time with my parents and family. The time that I have gained is of immeasurable value to me. Of course it cannot be all play and no work, so making sure that I utilize my time management has been important to give myself allotted work hours, and allotted family time. You also have to be as disciplined as possible to set boundaries. If not you will find your self falling into the same habits that you did before and working more hours than anything else. Read more>>
It amazes me when I reflect over the years how I had to adjust my work life balance. The adjustment of the balance depended on what was going on in my life. When I first start taking pictures in college, I had maintain good grades while still working to produce images for clients. Right after graduating college I got married and moved to Houston, Texas. I had strive to maintain a healthy balance now that I had to factor in spending time with my husband. After being married for some years, I had my daughter Elliana. My work life balance shifted drastically and I had to stop working for a while. For her sake, I often sacrifice time away from my projects to make sure I am intentional in loving/caring for her. Overall it is important to keep first things first. I strive to keep God first. After God comes family and friends and then work. I don’t have it all together but I am simply thankful to God for His grace and getting me through it all. Read more>>
Besides my creative endeavors, I still balance a full time job and am getting my MBA. Originally, I wanted to make my music and photography my bread and butter, but nothings wrong with having multiple streams of income in this society right. Read more>>
When I first started getting into the influencer I invested all my time. I spent hours learning as much as could very quickly. I made very little time to unwind, relax or unplug. I have learned that even though dedication is super important when starting something new it’s also vital to have a good life balance and create healthy boundaries. Read more>>
Balance is essential to me, especially as a mental health professional. I am very client-centered and enjoy the work that I do, so there have been times I’ve let balance take a back seat. However, I’ve learned that I’m the best and most creative in my work with others when prioritizing my own wellness. Keeping the “practice what I preach” mindset has been helpful in maintaining balance. I look at wellness as a daily practice and I don’t wait until I’m burned out to take care of myself. I take breaks often, schedule in time to eat mindfully, and I take walks daily even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Additionally, I compartmentalize my work and home life, setting a time each day to close my laptop and put my phone away. Our world is so focused on productivity, which can lead to overwhelm and burnout. I encourage everyone to build at least 10-15 minutes into every day to do something just for them. Read more>>