Working hard or hardly working?

What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
Starting a business is tough. There’s really no easy way to get started so I decided going all in was the best thing I could do. Countless sleepless nights, extremely long hours, sacrificed weekends and more. Initially there was no balance. I spent every day pushing myself to get my business to grow so that one day I could look back and see a “legacy” I was leaving for my family. What I didn’t see was all of the relationships I had were falling apart, just like I was mentally and physically. Read more>>
This question is completely relative to my life as we speak. I have a son now who’s one and I have learned (and still learning) that balance is such a big priority in my life. Before I became a parent, I would just wake up without a plan and go with the flow of the day. Now my days are planned. Planning starts on Sunday’s and updates takes place throughout the week. With planning in advance, it improves my work week, social life, and most importantly my life as a parent. Read more>>
It’s a difficult balancing act. I’d like to think that one doesn’t suffer when I pay more attention to the other, but the reality is one or the other does suffer. Our time is the most valuable thing we have to offer. I realized I began working for myself so I wouldn’t have to miss those moments that make a life worth living. So I am very mindful of my clients, their lives and mine. I do my best to be as efficient and helpful as possible. Read more>>
Work life balance for entrepreneurs is a touchy subject as many of us are low key “control freaks” so taking that time to balance life and work is truly a balancing act. In my early 30’s there was no such thing as having a life. I can recall travelling 9 months out of the year on my corporate job in order to raise capital for my entrepreneurial endeavors in my 40’s. Once in my 40’s I worked around the clock to get my hospitality concepts off the ground and now in my 50’s I can see the harvest. Family, health, and hobbies play a vital role in my weekly routine. Read more>>