There’s a fork in the road, a choice to be made. Sometimes the choice is irrelevant in the grand scheme of life, but other times choices forever change the trajectory of your life. We asked folks what the single most important decision in their life has been.
Reyne Hirsch | Publicist, Marketing Guru
Knowing when to outsource tasks to someone else makes all the difference in the world. Surrounding yourself with capable people to handle certain aspects of your business that are not a good value of your time is key. For example: Packing boxes and shipping products can be the way you get product to your customer. However, should YOU be the one doing it? No. It is not a good use of your time. If you can’t afford employees, enlist friends, your significant other…. Your time should be spent on developing new customers, retaining the relationships you have with existing customers. Read more>>
Auriel Nichole | Credit and Wealth Coach
Thinking bigger sooner! Once I stopped being afraid of success and really understanding that my Yes was attached to more than just me, I was really able to grow into the potential that was always there for me. Deciding to work for myself was one of the single most greatest decisions I’ve ever made. Read more>>
Abbie Huckleby | Chef/Owner of Abbie’s Plant Based Cuisine
Retiring from a corporate job that I loved and worked at for 31 years. Read more>>
Heather Grissom | Owner of HG Ranch Photography
The day I decided to believe in myself. As cheesy as it sounds, once I decided to believe that I would be successful, my business started to grow. When you first decide to branch out on your own and chase your passion, there are tons of questions that come into your mind. “How will I gain customers? How do I define my brand? What if people don’t like me? What if I don’t know how to grow? What if I fail?” I found that starting out, I was so hesitant to do the right thing all the time that I didn’t trust myself to be confident in my business. Once I started believing in myself, my talent, my style of work, and my abilities, I found it easier to rise. Read more>>
Crys Vaughn | Personal Chef & Food Enthusiast
The single most important decision I made was learning to understand the power of no. No is a complete sentence that does not need to be explained. If people can take your yes without explanation, then they most certainly can receive and accept your no in that same fashion. Grasping that concept allowed me to define better personal boundaries that quickly translated into the continued success of my brand and business. Read more>>
Joi Keeling | Recording Artist and Music Producer
The single most important decision I made in life was learning how to trust myself. Trusting my faults, my intuition, my ideas, just everything. Growing up I was taught to look closely at my idols, my mentors, and everyone doing what I wanted to do to be successful. It drove me to look less at myself and the qualities I authentically had to offer. If I wasn’t doing it exactly like them or better, I wasn’t good enough. The moment I stop watching them and started trusting myself, doors began to open, my creativity began to flourish, and I was able to grow substantially in my career. Read more>>
Shanae’a Rae Moore | Actress and Voice Coach
Right from graduation college with a BFA, I got a job in a coffee shop. It was such a blessing because it paid the bills while I was making contacts and building my client base, as well as audition for theatre contracts. I needed that job, but to pay the bills, I had to work long hours. I started getting a good client list and great nibble on contracts, but ultimately having to turn down theatre so I could work at the coffee job. I was having to prioritize incorrectly so that I could make my monthly rent. It came to the point where I couldn’t do theatre at all. Read more>>
Tonya Stephens | Day Trader, Coder and Mentor Stocks & Forex
The single most decison I made that contributes to my success is value and dedication. I wanted to put a system and template in place that could help and teach beginning or new traders how to be successful traders in the market. I wanted a dual system where they could trade stocks and forex and it would provide a way for them to make profits whether on a part time basis or a full time basis. We also provide custom coded bots and indicators as well. Read more>>