We are so inspired by the businesses in our community because of how many of them are committed to helping to make the world better than it is today. Check out some great businesses below and how they are helping others.
Chelsea Wynder, BSN, RN | Registered Nurse, Patient Advocate, & Creator
Sharing my story as a Nurse with Multiple Sclerosis and introducing my Wellness Diaries for women has impacted the chronically ill community tremendously. Finally speaking publicly about why I’m so passionate about educating and encouraging those with autoimmune disorders/chronic illnesses has allowed me to reach so many people. Read more>>
Andre Notice | Purpose Coach | Speaker | Author
I believe that one of the biggest issues we have in society are people walking around aimlessly with no direction. Most people are living unfulfilled, unhappy, empty lives going day to day making just enough to pay bills, travel once or twice a year and hopefully save a little. But what kind of life is that? In my opinion, it’s not much of one. Most people work just hard enough to keep their job and get paid just enough to keep them there. Read more>>