So many of the folks we work with have multidimensional stories. They often aren’t just working on a single project, business or mission – instead they are often involved in so many things all at once and so we often wonder about what they themselves hope their legacy will be about. We’ve shared some of their responses with you below.

Joseph Stone | Artist/Painter

That I solemnly cared for my art enough that at some point I had no reason to sell it; only give it away because I couldn’t bear to have it in my sight anymore. If artwork lingered – it would remain unfinished. Constructing, destroying, + recreating just to invent a unique piece caused me to start over or form a new idea from scratch many times. Read more>>

Bryce Jones | DIY Musician. In the bands Pastime & Grifter

I want the legacy of myself and this band to be a safe space for this amazing community if nothing else. We want our shows and our music to radiate DIY energy and emphasize making friendships in whatever field you are trying to thrive in. Community is the only way forward, especially in the world we’re currently living in, Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone and talk to like-minded people, you might even end up working together. Read more>>

Jerry Brown | Entrepreneur

Legacy to me is the proof that you existed in this world. I believe everyone has purpose and it’s your purpose that will live on after you are gone. For me I want my legacy to be inspiring to show everyone through trusting God, hard work and dedication anything is possible. I came from living on the Southside of Chicago to becoming a entrepreneur with a PH.D. God is good! Read more>>