Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.
Jason Kimes | Artist, sculptor
Risk taking is an unavoidable part of any kind of success. Those unable to take risks remain in a place of complacency because doing anything new will always require some sort of risk. Every advance I’ve made in my career as a sculptor has required me to try something new, be it material, process or aesthetic. Any change is a risk, even a slight one, but a life without change isn’t really a life because change is an inherent part of all life. The sense of unease that comes from risk is the same thing as the excitement that comes from doing something new and challenging. Living without risk is living without excitement and excitement is what drives new and innovative ideas. When I work on a sculpture or project that doesn’t excite me it becomes simple drudgery and something to avoid but a new project that excites me focuses the mind and produces an endless energy to complete something new. Read more>>
Andrew Martinez | Singer/Songwriter/Co-Founder of Embrace The Escape
I believe risk is comparable to gambling. It’s concept that revolves around the probability of a win/lose scenario. I’ve never been much of a gambler, but calculating and taking risk is an essential part of life and is something everyone experiences. In my humble opinion, the reward must be greater than the risk for it to even be considered, but I’ve learned from experience that taking risks requires a bit more than just calculating probability. Risk requires faith. Read more>>
Kordale Lahner | CEO of Next Step Academics
As a Nonprofit Leader, I consider risk a necessary part of life. Taking risks can lead to great rewards and opportunities, but it can also lead to failure and disappointment. In my life, I have taken many risks, both personally and professionally. Some of them have paid off, while others have not. However, even when things didn’t work out as planned, I learned valuable lessons that helped me grow and become more resilient. Taking calculated risks is essential for personal growth and can lead to outstanding achievements. In my career, taking risks has also been a critical factor in achieving success. Whether starting a new project or pursuing a new opportunity, taking risks has helped me push beyond my comfort zone and achieve my goals. Read more>>