Taking Chances

We asked some of the most interesting folks in the community to open up about how they think about taking chances and the role risk has played in their lives and careers. Risk is by far the topic folks talk to us most about and we hope the responses below will help shed light on many different perspectives.
Where there is no risk there is no reward! Life is a risk so while here we might as well bet on ourselves! I learned this from my friend Antony Benham. Even though he was young he always played every game fearlessly taking risks on every play. When we lost him I made him and myself a promise that though it’s a risk at some point I have to go for it and when I do the odds are going to be in my favor and I’m going to win big! Read more>>
Honestly without risk I wouldn’t be where I am today in all areas of life. I think risk is needed as it’s a form of thinking outside the box and getting out of your comfort zone. Risk opens door that might not have opened by staying in the familiar. Read more>>
When it comes to life and business, all choices come with risk. If you aren’t willing to take chances then you risk spending it in a tiny little box where no one can see your light shine. Read more>>
Risk is a constant part of life, especially when you’re pursuing a creative career. Every day presents a decision: do you keep going or give in to the comfort of a more traditional path where job security and a steady salary are guaranteed? Choosing to follow your passion in the creative field is itself a significant risk. It’s easy to choose something safe, but there’s often a deeper feeling that pulls you toward creativity, a voice telling you that this is what you really want to do. Listening to that voice is a risk, and deciding to follow it is an even bigger one. Read more>>